I had grand plans to work on my abandoned corduroy jacket this evening, but 6 inches into the first seam, my needle hit a pin, broke in three, and bent the pin under the feed dogs. Granted, I always sew with pins in seams and don’t take them out as I go (surely others do this too?). But I’ve been sewing since I was 10 and I’m pretty sure this is the first time I ever broke a needle because of it.
But of course, the pin was lodged impossibly in the bottom half of my sewing machine. I tried to pull it out; it broke, dropping the bottom half somewhere in the depths of the bobbin area. An hour and a half and two episodes of ANTM later, I had retrieved the pin half, extracted copious amounts of fuzz, and had a reassembled machine plus one extra screw… Fortunately pushing at various bits of the machine revealed where it belonged and now we are back to normal. I hope.
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