Category Archives: Knitting

Knitting for baby

Soooo. Baby girl is due to arrive in slightly under 6 weeks. Baby-knitting projects seem to be just about the right size to keep my interest, and to finish them in a timely fashion. First up: a sheep hat, from … Continue reading

Posted in baby, Knitting | 1 Comment

Socks, part two

Shortly after I finished my first socks, I started a second pair with some sock yarn I had bought on discount from JoAnns. I decided to follow the basic sock pattern from one of the Yarn Harlot‘s books, which promised … Continue reading

Posted in Etc, Knitting | 1 Comment

Herding chicks

A few months ago, Mochimochi Land had a photo contest for scenes featuring the author’s tiny knitted toys. Cherith and I teamed up for this submission: Mrs. Chicken recruits the friendly armadillo to herd her chicks We were excited to … Continue reading

Posted in Knitting | 4 Comments

Teeny tiny Christmas tree

Lately I’ve been knitting lots of tiny things, and I got it in my head that I wanted to knit some tiny Christmas trees. I couldn’t find a pattern that was appropriately tiny and tree-like, so I did some experimenting, … Continue reading

Posted in Knitting, patterns | 2 Comments

The things you find when you organize your yarn

A few weeks ago, I got fed up with the cardboard box holding all my yarn. Well, “holding” is a generous term. My stash no longer fit in a single cardboard box, so it was spilling onto the floor of … Continue reading

Posted in crochet, Knitting | Leave a comment

A sleeveless sweater, just in time for winter

It’s a good thing I live in a place where the average temperatures in November are still in the mid-60s, because I just knitted myself a sleeveless sweater (or a sweater vest, if you insist… but it’s not very vest-like). … Continue reading

Posted in clothing, Knitting | 1 Comment

First socks

Apparently knitting your first pair of socks is a bit of a knitting rite of passage. These are the Salis Socks, knitted in Cascade Yarns Heritage Paints. My friend Abie and I exchanged yarns (she picked this one out for … Continue reading

Posted in Knitting | 2 Comments

Halloween Korknisse

Inspired by these cute nisse, I knitted a pair of korknisse for myself out of bits of scrap yarn and some corks I had been saving just for this. Don’t they look like they’re telling secrets? Their colors happened to … Continue reading

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A knitted sweater (or, everything is cuter in miniature)

When I found out I was going to be an aunt (yay!), it was the perfect opportunity to knit my first sweater! I was in a yarn shop and saw a really sweet baby kimono sample hanging next to the sock … Continue reading

Posted in clothing, Knitting | 1 Comment

Tiny knitted gnomes

I seem to be developing a bit of a gnome problem… It all started when I got a gnome for Christmas last year. And then I learned how to knit. And of course, you can make all sorts of cute … Continue reading

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